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For the love of palms

What is it about palms that makes them so loveable?

Is it because they're tropical and make us remember beachside holidays?

That they reach and stretch for the sky and when we gaze at them we look across open space into ocean, sky or distant moutains?

That when we see them we're lazing in hot, humid climates?

That their fronds are a crazy mash of shapes, darting off in different directions, and that even the old and tatty branches still look cool against the sky?

Whatever it is, I find palms to be the most calming, happy and tranquil views I could look out on.

To me, palms say: Yippee for you! You're on holiday! Enjoy! Have another wine!

And I never argue. xo

These pics are all of beautiful Bornean palms, taken on our trip in early June.

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