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Building a bold, brave girl

I'm lucky that Emily has an adventurous nature and is keen to try most things, however I wonder if this spirit is simply part of her being or has developed as a result of our travel and the amazing opportunities she has had so far. Nature v nurture so to speak?

Either way, there is no denying that traveling and exposure to adventures, to new and different sights, sounds, tastes and textures helps to create and nuture a curious and adventurous mind.

Travel broadens awareness and reference points, provides a wider foundation for learning, understanding our world and applying new knowledge to multiple scenarios.

I'm also hoping it will help create an empathetic global citizen who lives outside the lines and does not base her worth on possessions or superficial attributes.

This pic is of Emmie sponrkelling in open water on Lady Elliot Island. It really was a bold move, and made me so proud.

Encouraging our girls to follow their interests, take risks and being bold and adventurous is so important if we're to raise a generation of confident, empowered young women.

Yay for brave girls!

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