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Canopy walking in Mulu, Sarawak

Wow, Gunung Mulu National Park is mind-blowing and a must-do if you can get there. Its dense rainforest, incredible array of insects, world-biggest caves, rivers and waterfalls are truely spectacular. It's serene, intriguing and best of all - accessible to all ages and levels of fitness. The Park has walks and cave tours for everyone - from family friendly to advanced treks to the Pinnacles (limestone shards Mulu is renowned for) and adventure caving.

One of the activities we signed up for was the 7am canopy walk - this walk must be guided as it takes you 20 - 30 metres above the ground, at the canopy level of the rainforest - twice crossing the river and weaving around tree trunks through the jungle. We spotted lizards, monkeys and of course many, many insects of incredible colours, shapes and sounds. But best of all was listening and watching the rainforest wake up, whilst high above. An absolutely stunning experience of being closer to nature.

Unfortunately we missed seeing the bat exodus - an evening event when three million bats swoop out of the caves to eat up all the mosquitos - as it was torrentially raining - but that's just another reason to pop back next year xox Evie

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